Outside the Lines From Susan Haught Is Here!

"As with art, time is but an illusion."

Outside the Lines
by Susan Haught

Now Available Here:


“Outside the Lines is an emotionally powerful story of perseverance in the face of doubt, forgiveness, and the healing power of love.” 

Sometimes fire reveals more than it destroys 

Artist Seth Stockton’s ranching roots didn’t prepare him for New York City’s cutthroat art world. Sales of his paintings are dismal, future prospects are bleak, and at thirty-three he’s disillusioned, stuck in a pointless graphic design job, and broke. 

Then, the unthinkable happens— 

Fellow artist Aimee Riesling accidentally sets fire to their studio. Seth’s paintings are ruined, along with his hopes. But Aimee refuses to let him give up, and pushes him to harness the inner passion and arouses the driving force behind his art…and feelings he never imagined he’d experience again. 

When an eccentric art dealer sees promise in the damaged paintings, Seth has his first shot at recognition and with Aimee by his side, he’s basking in the spotlight. But the elation is short-lived when he receives word his father is dying and his manipulative ex-wife shows up with a disturbing secret. Aimee finds her and Seth together, assumes the worst, and flees to art school in Italy. 

Seth’s future hangs in balance. Caught between family, honor, and love, the choice he makes will challenge his moral fiber, threaten his career, and risk losing Aimee and a second chance at happiness.

The loose ends of his thoughts scattered like refracted light through a prism. He gathered them into a tidy bundle, swung around, and found Aimee staring out the window, her silhouette a shadow against the Chelsea District skyline. 

Sun sparkled through the glass, wet, misshapen panes casting colorful rainbows across the wood-planked floors, her form shadowed, yet outlined with the subtle hues of afternoon. If only words were colors, a language he understood, he’d paint her in a private kaleidoscope all her own—Ultramarine Deep blue confident; the fiery sass of Madder Lake Deep red; Light Yellow Ochre, the glow of her effervescent radiance; and Greenish Umber, the quiet vulnerability lurking inside the passion. 

Her portrait, the colors of her soul. 


If you’re looking for an easy, humorous romance, this is not that book. When you read a book by this author you can be assured of a happy ending, but the road to it is anything but. There’s plenty of angst as the characters face challenges, uncertainties, and circumstances setting up roadblocks on their path to forever. You can count on the characters burrowing deep into your soul, sharing their every emotion with you, and becoming fully vested in their journey as well as the outcome as you cheer for them every step of the way. 

Aimee and Seth are both artists, but they're about as opposite as night and day. She's bold, confident and sassy, and it shows in her painting. He’s cautious and orderly, with baggage he still carries from eight years ago and a father in poor health. Aimee challenges Seth to open himself and paint from his heart, and in the process he opens his heart to her, finding success and a love he never imagined. Just as Seth gets the chance to live a life he never dared to dream, his past comes crashing into his present and threatens all that he's finally beginning to build. 

Haught's books always hit me straight in the heart. With some sort of existential conflict, degrees of self-actualizing and a cryptically profound supernatural nudge, her characters plights are authentic, relatable and abundantly endearing. It’s impossible for the reader to not feel and experience the struggles and successes, the highs and lows, the loss and love, thereby creating a strong connection with the characters. One thing is certain. After reading this profound, poignant, deeply evocative book, Seth and Aimee will have a place in your heart. Their story will make you feel and make you think, and it will leave you better for having experienced it with them. 

This is one you'll want to read again and again. Purchase links are below, and read on for more about the author and how to connect with her. Until next time, dear reader

Much love between the covers,


*See my other reviews here.

Available Here:  Amazon     KOBO     NOOK     SMWDs     Apple Books 

About the Author:

Susan Haught writes deeply emotional stories of family, friendship, and the healing power of love. A multi award-winning novelist and Australian black liquorice connoisseur, Susan believes Love is Ageless and has the power to change lives--one step, one touch, one kiss at a time. 

Susan's debut novel, A Promise of Fireflies, was awarded the 2017 New Apple Official Selection-Romance; her second in the series, A Thousand Butterfly Wishes was awarded the 2017 Annual New Apple Official Selection-Romance; her short story, Vicious Circles, was a finalist in the Summer 2014 Writer's Village International Short Story Contest; she was a finalist in the 2016 & 2017 Best of Rim Country-Writer; and her website was chosen as one of The Writer Awards Top Author Websites in 2017. 

When Susan isn't writing, you'll find her tending her garden with a notorious brown thumb, or escaping into someone else's words. 

Learn more about Susan's award-winning Whisper of the Pines series, keep in touch, or download her FREE companion book by visiting www.susanhaught.com. 

Follow Susan on social media: 
Twitter: @SusanHaughtBKS 
Pinterest: Susan Haught, Author 
Google+: Susan Haught, Author 
Facebook: Susan Haught, Author 
Goodreads: Susan Haught, Author 
Instagram: SusanHaughtBooks 
LinkedIn: Susan Haught, Author 

Find the rest of the Whisper Of the Pines series here!


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