
Title: Heart Strings Author: Melanie Moreland Genre: Contemporary Romance Release Date: October 12, 2020 A woman drowning in sorrow. Invisible. The man that sees it all. Sees her. The only thing that gets Charlotte Prescott through the day is the haunting eyes and magnetic voice that uplifts her in the subway station every evening. All Montgomery Logan wants to do is ease the pain of the woman he feels a strange, protective draw to. He serenades her from afar, knowing their worlds will never intersect. Until the day they do. And everything changes. Will their differences make them stronger or tear them apart? "Music to soothe the soul...A connection that was felt by both, A smile that set MY heart tingling. <3” Chele, Goodreads "I definitely would like to see made into full length stories because they were so engaging from Sydney Logan, Melanie Moreland, and Jo Richardson. ”  Shannon, Goodreads a Rafflecopter giveaway a Raf...
“Catherine Cowles writes characters that are real, relatable, and will have you rooting for their happily-ever-after with all your heart!" - Mia Sheridan, New York Times bestselling author Perfect Wreckage, an all-new, breathtakingly beautiful small-town romance from Catherine Cowles is available now! My past taught me to play it safe. To stay far away from handsome men who promised it all. My life was good without them. Stable, secure, predictable. But one kiss showed me that I’d been playing it safe for far too long. One night, and all I wanted was more of his wildfire. One challenge and my carefully constructed walls tumbled down. Amidst the rubble, I realized there was more to this man than I ever dreamed. When everything fell apart, he showed me what it meant to stay. How to truly live. But some demons don’t stay buried. The past can come knocking when you least expect. And the life he’s showing me might be shorte...
Title: Real Fake Love Series: Copper Valley Fireballs #2 Author: Pippa Grant Genre: Romantic Comedy   Release Date: September 3, 2020 Blurb If people have polar opposites, Luca Rossi is mine. His butt is in the baseball hall of fame. Mine’s comfortably seated in the hall of lame. When he’s not snagging fly balls out in center field, he’s modeling in shampoo commercials. I once jammed my own finger while stirring cookie dough, and sometimes I forget shampoo is a thing. He’s a total cynic when it comes to love. I make a living writing love stories. But after my latest broken engagement (no, I don’t want to talk about how many times that’s happened), it’s clear he’s exactly the man I need. If anyone can teach me to be the opposite of me, it’s him. The first thing I want him to teach me? How to  not  fall in love. And as luck would have it, he’s in desperate need of a fake girlfriend to get a meddling grandmother off his back. W...
Title: Hot Pickle Author: JJ Knight Genre: Standalone Romantic Comedy Release Date: August 31, 2020 Blurb He’s about to become a very big dill. A best friend’s sister rom com from USA Today bestselling author JJ Knight I’m rock hard. No, not like that. When that happens, you won’t need me to tell you. I’m a competitive bodybuilder, ready for my first regional contest. And winning requires more than just killer workouts, diet, or stage presence. It’s all about the tan. My training partner Franklin uses the best in the business — Camryn Schultz. She understands the career killer of a badly placed white spot.   She’s also his sister. So when the craptastic tan I’m given for my first competition requires an emergency patch, Frank knows exactly who to call.   The thing is, when Camryn’s hands hit my skin, more than a few muscles spring to life.   I’m about to head on stage in the tiniest Speedo imaginable...