It's All Mickey's Fault - Innaugural Post of BookAddict Romance Blog

For the past ten months, I've been doing book reviews and have amassed a collection of over 350 in that time. Several times, I've been fortunate enough to have authors use my words to promote their work (which is really a kick!) and a few times I've had friends and even authors tell me I really should do a blog.

The other day, I just happened to look at a new release I'd just recently reviewed. My review wasn't what I would even consider a great one - just a one paragraph "this book is great fun, get it now!" kind of review, rather than a review on a book that makes me so verklempt I have to wear out the thesaurus to express myself adequately and take up more than a page in a Word document.

Well imagine my surprise when I saw some of my words in the editorial review being credited to "BookAddict Blog." It was Mickey Miller's Ten Night Stand, which really was a hugely fun book! (See the next post for my review.) Well, I certainly didn't want to make a liar out of Mickey, so I grabbed a page on Facebook and posted Mickey's book there on my brand new blog. Then, of course, Facebook is all "Add a website to your page to get more notice," and they just won't shut up about it! So here we are.

I'l do my best to post all of my reviews here, but in case I miss some, below are the links to my reviews on both Amazon and Goodreads.  More importantly, I'd like to know what you think! Do you want to see reviews only on the books I liked, or would you like to see some books I didn't especially care for and why? How about some tips on how you can evaluate new books and know you're getting one that not only won't waste your time and money but that you'll love?  Would you like to see guest posts? Author features? What else would you like to see?

Here are the links for Amazon and Goodreads.

Thank you for joining me on this journey!

Much love between the covers,



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