A Vampire Hero, Just In Time for Christmas
Title - Dark Heart: A Vampire Love Story
Series - Stories of the Heart
Author - Cybill Cain
Genre: Steamy Paranormal Romance 18+
Release Date - December 17, 2018
Let me show you everything you can be.
I have seen stars turn to dust.
I have felt my heart turn to stone.
Then I found Sara, and knew that each long night waiting
had been but a prelude to this time with her.
But I met her in a dream, and we’re about to wake up.
If I had found her sooner, we would have had more time.
But it doesn’t matter because there would never be enough.
I’ll defy the ticking clock and show her the passion she inspires
in my immortal soul.
Time will never take her from me.
I will carry the taste of her on my tongue for eternity.
I will whisper her name when the sun burns from the sky.
**this story ends on a cliffhanger, but will be continued in Broken Heart, Stories of the Heart – A Vampire Love Story, COMING SOON!**
Let’s dispense with the fine print first. Dark Heart is the first of a three part series, and it ends in a cliffhanger that had me yelling at my Kindle. Fortunately we won’t have to wait months for the next part of the story, and these characters are so beautiful and compelling that they have own a piece of my heart, and I am obsessed with seeing their story through to the end.
Sara longs for a dark hero to sweep her away and show her all the things her heart yearns to experience. She only dared to dream and never expected that her handsome dance partner would be her undead hero. They only have a handful of nights before Eli returns to his job as an enforcer for the vampire Regent of Tennessee, and they plan to make as many memories as possible in the time they have left.
Definitely more steamy than Cain's other books, this one still wallops the reader right in the heart with a supernatural connection between the main characters and enough emotion to overwhelm the soul. This book will easily cast its spell, holding you in its glamour from the first page to the last, and Eli and Sara will hold a permanent place in your heart. Don’t pass up the chance to take the first part of the journey and fall in love with these enchanting characters. Until next time dear reader
Much love between the covers,
*See my other reviews here.
Cybill Cain writes stories about love, adventure and romance, and is the author of multi-award winning contemporary romance series The Chimera Club Stories.
She is an experienced journalist, blogger and fanfiction enthusiast who believes "every story is a love story."
She is also a member of the Romance Writers of America and the Alliance of Independent Authors.
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