Title: Sin of Love
Series: Illusions Duet #2
Series: Illusions Duet #2
Author: L.M. Halloran
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: March 28, 2019
She took me
with her when she left.
A day.
A thousand
It doesn’t
She blew
out the flame inside me and now
I’m in the
is the cloak that shelters.
The mask
that protects fragile skin.
happiness is something for those
who have
suffered less.
doesn’t live here,
in the
house of broken dolls.
Only sin.
Author's Note: This duet takes place in the
world of the Vision Series but can be read as a standalone. Mature themes. HEA
My Review
In my review of the first book in this duet, I mentioned the story's darkness and lack of hearts and flowers romance. I also referred to this second book as what I anticipated to be a stunning conclusion, but “stunning" doesn’t begin to do it justice. There is still plenty of darkness in the second part of Gideon and Deidre's story, some of which is discomforting to read, and the hearts and flowers are delivered by way of patience, boundless understanding and steadfast, unshakeable love. In the midst of vicious cruelty, unspeakable suffering and quiet desperation the bond between two shattered souls is unbreakable.
These two characters owned my heart, every corner, every crevice, and every cell. Their story is raw and devastating, their road to forever twisted, broken and violently wrecked, but their love is stubborn, determined and unwavering. Their human frailties are ripped open and laid bare, only serving to entrance the reader and carry her along through all of the challenges, twists and turns that Gideon and Deirdre experience. Throughout the vast pain and darkness runs a thread of hope, shining a ray of light at the darkest moments, again cementing the reader's investment in the hard-won happily ever after.
Halloran is a master crafter of words with a gift of captivating the reader with authentic, endearing characters who are perfectly flawed and beautifully broken. She then paints a masterpiece from words with a gripping plot that evokes such vast, deep emotions that the reader's heart is no longer her own, but at the mercy of the spellbinding characters and poignantly touching storyline, to finally return to its proper owner, battered and beaten then soothed and healed, all the better for the experience. If you haven’t read her work, you’re missing something vital. It’s a rare author who can take the reader to the despairing lows and euphoric highs like Halloran can. If you want a book that makes you feel, prompts you to think, and leaves you better for having read it, with characters that will forever hold a place in your heart, be sure to grab Gideon and Deirdre's story today!
Get your copy using the links below, and scroll down for a fantastic giveaway! Until next time, dear reader
Much love between the covers,
*See my other reviews here.
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Author Bio
When not writing or reading, the author enjoys walking
barefoot, subjecting her husband to questionable recipes, and chasing her
spirited toddler. She's a rabid fan of coffee, moon-gazing, and small dogs that
resemble Ewoks. Home is San Diego, CA, but her heart lives in Portland.
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