Title: The Price of Scandal
Series: Bluewater Billionaires Novel
Author: Lucy Score
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: September 27, 2019
“So you show up here, break into my house, and take a bath?”
Emily Stanton’s perfect life just became a disaster. She has a trust fund brother looking for a handout, a father who is more board member than dad, and a mother who thinks she should give up on this whole billionaire CEO thing and meet a man with a pre-nup and a yacht.
Oh, and then there’s that “misunderstanding” with law enforcement witnessed by Miami’s paparazzi. Now her billion-dollar deal is on the line, and there’s a naked man in her bathtub who claims he’s going to make all her problems disappear.
Charming—and happy to bend the rules when necessary—Derek Price has made a living polishing the tarnished images of the rich and famous. He’s never lost, and he never takes clients to bed. Until the dazzling Emily. Derek promised her a win and offered up a lifetime supply of orgasms as part of the deal. But if he can’t stop her enemies, he’ll end up losing much more than he bargained for.
Author Notes: An enemies-to-allies-to-lovers workplace romcom with a meet-nude, four lady billionaire BFFs, a hero whose many talents include styling hair and picking pockets, the best dang drag queen brunch in Miami, and a shameless romance novelist cameo.
Four romance authors, four books in the series and four strong female billionaires is the setup for the Bluewater Billionaires series. And as over the whole billionaire trope as I am, give me the heroine as the billionaire and I’m there. And the series is off to a spectacular start with Emily Stanton's story.
Although born with a silver spoon in her mouth, Emily is the CEO of Flawless, the skin care company, grown to success by Emily's creativity and hard work, and about to become public. Before that can happen, Emily finds herself embroiled in a scandal that threatens her company. Enter Derek Price, the guy who fixes problems and cleans up messes, hired by Emily's board of directors to make sure Flawless' public offering still happens.
This book is so much fun! From the strong female bonds that have nothing to do with money and horrible characters you’ll love to hate to the priceless antics of Derek Price and four romance novelists who, I suspect, wrote themselves into the series, you’ll be thoroughly entertained on every page. With plenty of side-splitting humor, lots of steamy heat and a surprising depth of heart, this one has winner written all over it, and I can’t wait to read the other books in the series! Grab Emily and Derek's story today so you’re ready for the rest of the books in the series as they come out.
Get your copy using the links below, and keep your eye out for the next book in this series. Until next time, dear reader
Much love between the covers,
*See my other reviews here.
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