Title: Bourbon on the Rocks
Series: Barrel House #2
Author: Shari J. Ryan
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 6, 2020


Life isn’t a game.
Life isn’t an empty bottle of bourbon spinning on a warehouse floor as I hold my breath.

I feel weak when others perceive me as strong.
I’m passionate though I appear to hate the world around me.
I see the beauty in all ugly things.
I feel pain when I laugh.

No one knows the truth.
Well, no one knew the truth until now.
Somehow, Brody Pearson understands more about me than anyone else in my life. The severed connection should mean something significant, but I don’t know if I can forget all my self-proclaimed promises.

My Review 

If there's one thing this author knows how to do, it's tap in to the complex, overwhelming emotions of grief and loss. She then turns them toward character development, creating authentic, irresistible characters that resonate deeply with readers, helping those who carry the wounds and scars realize that a common bond unites us with others who travail on their own lonesome journey. Her words act as a balm, soothing some wounds, bringing people with like tragedy together, and we take heart knowing that, although it is a solitary journey, we are not alone. 

Journey Quinn is one of the most complicated, multi-layered characters I've ever read. She's strong but broken. She's generous and loving but prefers a solitary existence. She’s a riddle wrapped in a conundrum topped with an enigma. Other than her family, there hasn’t been anyone willing enough to take the time to sort through all those layers and breach her impenetrable walls to get to the real Journey. Until Brody Pearson. Brody, with his irreverent, unapologetic grin and his unwillingness to take ‘no' for an answer. Brody, the guy she's known all her life, their families being life-long friends, but she really doesn’t know him at all. 

I completely adore both of these characters, and I’m not nearly ready to let them go. Their lively banter is charming and they're just the right amount of wounded and vulnerable, strong and determined, and teasing and snarky to keep me enchanted from the first page through the last. 

My preconception is that I prefer dual POVs, because I’ve read many books with only one character's perspective and I don’t connect with the silent character nearly as well. No worries here. Although this is Journey's POV, this writer does a wonderful job of making Brody larger than life, easily relatable and loveable. Brody stole his piece of my heart before I ever realized it was missing. 

Then I find out the next book is Brett's story, so my optimistic heart is anticipating more of Brody and the Quinn sisters. Yay! This is one of those exceptional reads you’re not going to want to pass up. Full of feeling, poignant and hopeful, this one will leave its mark on your soul. 

Get your copy via the below links, then scroll down for an awesome giveaway. Until next time, dear reader 

Much love between the covers,


*See my other reviews here

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Author Bio

Shari J. Ryan is USA Today bestselling author. She lives in Massachusetts with her wicked awesome husband, and two wild sons who fill her life with non-stop comedy.

With a life full of love, writing, drawing, TV binging, reading, and Starbucks, Shari is living her best life.

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