New From L.A. Fiore
Title: Demon You Love Series: Lost Boys #2 Author: L.A. Fiore Genre: Romantic Suspense Release Date: March 29, 2019 Blurb Anton Scalene I was born in hell, raised in a nightmare. I was fifteen when I killed for the first time. As a child, my dreams were about climbing out of that hell, of being on top of the pile of bodies and not one of them. I live in the shadows, find solace in the darkness. Until her. A chance meeting, a fleeting moment… Her innocence beguiles me. I want her, but to have her would destroy the very part of her I crave. And even knowing that, I can’t stay away, until my past threatens to drag her into my nightmare. Letting her go is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but a demon has no business falling in love with an angel. ADD TO GOODREADS Purchase Links 99c for a limited time!! AMAZON US / UK / CA / AU Free in Kindle Unlimited Also Available 99c for a limited...