Title: VAN
Series: Vested Interest Series
Author: Melanie Moreland
Genre: Contemporary Romance ~ Rom/Com
Release Date: March 25, 2019

Vince Morrison, known to most people as Van.
Good with his hands, be it crafting a piece of wood, playing his guitar, or pleasing a lover—he excels at them all.
Friendly, flirty, and talented, he's cool under pressure, and hot everywhere else.
But he keeps his heart closed, even as his interest and emotions are tested.
Olivia Rourke works alongside him at BAM.
Talented, private, and intriguing, she touches something inside him he can't deny.
He wants to know her. In every possible way.
He wants her to know him.
Her past tells her to stay clear. Van is everything that she wants, and exactly what she cannot have. She has someone else to think of who is more important.
Can either of them risk their hearts?

Moreland's heroes are always swoon worthy, but never have I fallen so hard and so fast for the relationship between a hero and his leading lady's child! Van and Liv are amazing in their own right, but it's Van and Sammy who stole the show and captured my heart from the start. Their sweet engagement and instalove made it impossible to resist, and I was all in from that point on. 

Van and Liv have worked closely together at BAM for quite a while, but as it often goes, something changes. The feelings they’ve both been keeping a tight leash on are hard to ignore, especially as Van gets to be a part of both Liv and Sammy's lives. They both have baggage to overcome, but the bigger problem arises when Liv's past crashes into her present, threatening everything she's worked so hard for. 

If you like your heroes the strong, protective type, with the perfect amount of caring and sensitive to balance it out, you’ll easily fall for Van. And Liv is the kind of heroine we all admire, one who is strong and confident and has risen above challenging circumstances to create a great life for herself and her daughter. I loved every minute of their journey to forever, but the icing on the cake is the Epilogue. Moreland hits us with a double whammy, giving us a picture after the HEA and a little farther into the future, and it's so touching and poignant it will melt the rest of your heart! Sweet and touching with a side of steam, this all-around, feel-good read is one you don’t want to miss, and these characters will live in your heart long after the last page.

 Grab your copy of this terrific read using the above buttons, and scroll down for an excerpt, author's information and a n awesome giveaway! Until next time, dear reader 

Much love between the covers, 


*See my other reviews here.


Van sat on the floor, his legs crossed, a few animals on his lap. A blue boa was draped around his neck, and a tiara sat askew on his head, the plastic gems glittering in the light. He held out his cup, his pinkie extended, no doubt having been schooled in proper tea party etiquette by Sammy, murmuring his thanks for more “tea.”
Sammy filled his cup with water and held out the plate of Oreos. I frowned. I never bought Oreos.
“More cookies, Prince Van? I made them myself.”
Prince Van?
He lifted his chin royally and accepted a cookie. “They are delicious. You must give me the recipe. I’ll have my cook at the castle make them.”
Never had I wished for a camera more than I did at that moment. Unable to contain myself, I giggled. They both turned to the door, excited to see me home. Sammy clapped her hands, demanding I join them. 
I expected embarrassment from Van, but he simply tossed his boa around his neck and indicated the floor beside him with a wide grin. 
“Liv, you’re home. Join us for tea? Sammy has made the most divine cookies.”
How could I resist?


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